Friday, October 26, 2012

Halloween Spirit and Pink Pumpkins For A Cause

Happy October and Halloween everybody!!!

This is my favorite month of the year! 
I love the energy and excitement in anticipation each year of the upcoming holidays - Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas/Hanukkah and finally New Year's Eve. The weather cools down here in Southern California and the brisk, cooler winds arrive and Daylight Savings Time ends.

Even while attending local yard sales people are pumped-up for Halloween by using a scary image to draw attention to their spooktacular stuff on display for potential buyers. Of course, there's the old saying of BUYER BEWARE!!!!

Right now, kids and adults alike are planning their costumes, which ones will be right for them and also this year's hot trend setting outfits. 
Yes, every year it seems like the costume stores out do themselves in offering us less material, with skimpy costumes for us girls for All Hallows Eve than the previous year. Watch out guys here we come to take your breath away!

And I really like the names they give these costumes, too - Dirty Cop, Devil De-Light Light Up, Sexy Chucky (which, I wouldn't be caught dead in costume) LOL. 

Last but not least, Mickey's Mistress costume. I'm sure that Walt Disney would be turning in his grave to see such an outfit that is not a wholesome family option.

Anyways, it's fun to think of all of the costume possibilities out there for ladies and the entire family. Of course there's still the ol' favorite costumes like witches, Dracula, princess', and cowboys.

I did find something new for Halloween at a place I didn't expect - Ralph's supermarket. 

I found a pink pumpkin that is a hybrid - aka 'Porcelain Doll Pumpkin,' which I've never seen before! 

They're kinda cool and different from your standard orange, or white pumpkins. Each one is pink on the outside and orange  inside:

Do you wonder how these pumpkins began? The story goes that five years ago, a Colorado pumpkin breeder found a pink pumpkin growing in his fields and then bred them from seeds. 

That farmer then worked with a marketing professional, which in turn helped to tie-in breast cancer awareness with them. 

Now, this year according to the Internet the American Pumpkin Growers will donate 25 cents from every pink pumpkin to breast cancer research. 

So everyone should do their part and get into the Halloween spirit and go out and purchase a pink pumpkin this year!!! 

For more details on where you may buy one of these unique, beautiful pumpkins visit:

Place a couple of these pink pumpkins on your porch/entry way and see the great reaction you receive from your neighbors and trick-or-treaters!! Then you can explain to them how they can support breast cancer awareness.

Well, it's time to go. Until next time happy shopping!